Restaurant Reviews

Courage, Endurance, Mateship, Sacrifice

Courage, Endurance, Mateship, Sacrifice   The Right Honourable On the 25th of August 2024, ANZAC DAY, the Australian Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Anthony Albanese was in Papua New Guinea to give a speech, and... as fate...

Eight Men Out

    Eight Men Out On the 14th day of the 4th month of the year 2024, eight men came together for a four-hour degustation of seventeen courses, paired with Champagne, White wine, red wine, Port,...

The Rangoon Tea House and Me

  The Rangoon Tea House and Me   “Monsieur Thirsty Bedford” In my travels in Indochina, I had been given an identification paper describing me as Louis (sic) Norman, writer, commissioned by Jonathan Cape Limited of Thirty...

Eggsistential: ကြက်ဥ

Shan State Myanmar's amazing produce  Sitting under a clear blue sky, on a cool day in the vineyard, perched between the mountains and the lake; a waft of morning mist still lazily crawling up the...

Champagne & Dim Sum, Billecart Salmon et Zhan Liang

Champagne & Dim Sum Billecart Salmon et Zhan Liang On Saturday, the 9th of December 2023, the stars aligned, and harmony filled the universe when local wine company The Warehouse decided to host a...

Emporia Euphoria

  Emporia Euphoria   Burma Road “My mother used to say that rain here pours like a blessing, like a thick veil that parts to reveal the bride's face…..” ― Mia Kirshner, I Live Here   All over Myanmar, people...

The Cook, the Coach, the Wife and a Love of Wine

  The Cook, the Coach, the Wife and a Love of Wine   The Valentine’s Day Massacre An invitation from Cambodia’s Wine Warehouse team was simply too good to refuse; a wine pairing dinner at the...

Basque-ing in Glory

Basque-ing in Glory The Basque Country, (Basque: Euskal Herria) is the home of the Basque people, it sits in the north of the Iberian Peninsula in the Western Pyrenees, straddling the border between Spain...

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