New Dawn


New Dawn

As we celebrate the passing of time,

The changing from a shortening

to a lengthening of days,

Let us ponder and be grateful,

For the small things


For the tiny minutiae, the seemingly unimportant

The moments, details, and people who lightly-

But profoundly touched our lives,

That brought us happiness-

even if fleeting, just for an instant


For those shards that eased or ignited

Our restless, ever questioning souls

Perhaps in the now, we can pause, meditate-

And be thankful for the little things


For the friends and also the strangers

Who knowingly or unwittingly

touched us, awoke us, mended us,

gave us air and warmth and light


For the sum of great happiness is small joys

Be mindful, be in the moment,

be humble, be grateful and be joyous

Happy New Year


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